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A Note about Confidence

Posted by Barbara Maynard on 1st Jul 2019

A Note about Confidence
How you see yourself affects the way you see the world. When you’re down it feels like the world is against you, and when you’re up it feels like you can handle anything that comes your way.

Part of the reason I love makeup so much is because it’s such a powerful tool in helping us create the person we want to be.

When we show up in the world feeling like the best version of ourselves, we say yes to the opportunities that show up. We smile more. We give more. We’re happier.

A few years ago, my marriage ended and I had to rebuild my life and my business. But choosing to wake up in the morning, put on my makeup, and head out the door with my head held high made a bad situation better.

If I couldn’t control the things happening in my life, I could at least control how I felt about them and how I felt about myself. And honey I'm southern, I had a sugary disposition! I dared to be sweet in a situation that shook me to my core.

Makeup isn’t “silly”. It’s not meant to “cover up” or “fix”. Makeup enhances, empowers, and emboldens us to be our truest selves in a world that challenges us at every turn.

I challenge you to spend some time with yourself this week. Try a new look, relax with a face mask, take a bubble bath, sip some wine while you paint your nails.

Do one thing that makes you feel good and recharge your confidence to take on the world. I'd love to hear from you too. Join us on facebook and share your "feel good" with our sisterhood of the traveling pants!